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  Knights of Columbus

Blessed Sacrament Council 7016
   •   600 Oblate Road   •    San Antonio, TX 78216   •    349-5892   •   


Upcoming Events

 Free Throw Championship


Each Month:

2nd Sunday 8am - Knights Mass

2nd Wednesday 7pm - Officers Meeting - Madonna room

2nd Sunday - 0900 - 2pm - Knights Lunch - Family Center

3rd Thursday 7pm - 1st Degree - 4140

4th Wednesday 6:30pm - General Meeting - 2nd floor family center


Council Activities
The second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.  Officer meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month and the General Meetings are on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30  We pray the rosary before each meeting at 7:00 pm.

Every 2nd Sunday we celebrate mass together at 8:00am at Blessed Sacrament in remembrance of our fallen brothers.

Every 2nd Sunday we host Knights Lunch or Taco Breakfast after the 8:00, 10:00am and 12:15 masses.  The menu changes each month and helps us to raise funds for various parish ministries and the Blessed Sacrament School.

Each year on or about July 4 we present our Annual Fundraiser - The Midsummer Night Gala and Reverse Raffle.  Where we give out over $$Thousands in prizes.  
Church Knights Mass Stations of the Cross Easter Egg Hunt Adoration Chapel
Community Habitat House Turkey Dinners Christmas Gifts Hams
Council First Degree Major Degree
(2nd and 3rd)
Fourth Degree Installation Banquet
Fund Raisers Knights Lunch Mid-Summer Knights Gala Tootsie Roll Drive Thanksgiving Turkey
Youth Basketball
 Free Throw
Scholarships CYO  
Meetings Business
 2nd Wed 7 pm
4th Wed 7 pm
1st Degree
3rd Thursday
Family Knight of the Month Family of the Month Memorial to the Unborn  


Knights Mass
Every second Sunday of the month the Knights of Columbus host the 08:00 mass in remembrance of our fallen Knights.

Tootsie Roll drives are scheduled quarterly. The next one is April 2008. Gather at the North Park Mall parking lot San Pedro and Rector.  We needs lots of help.  We will be giving out Tootsie Rolls and collecting donations for State Charities (Archbishops Ministry to the Deaf).

Our Council sponsors two $1,000 scholarships for members of Blesses Sacrament School.  

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Our Council, along with others in San Antonio, has helped build several homes for families in the Habitat for Humanity Program.

Check out the website here: http://golf.texascomputerhelp.com/house.htm

If you are going to volunteer to help, you must be there for the 8:00 am safety briefing, and you will be done by 3:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. Wear appropriate clothing. Bring work gloves if you have them. Wear strong boots/shoes and a hat.

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Basketball Free Throw

Each year we host a Council Basketball free throw competition. Boys and Girls age 10 to 14 compete on 15 throws from the free throw line. The top three in each category proceeded to the next level of competition.

The winners receive trophies and recognition, and every participant receives a certificate.  Come shoot some hoops!

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Insurance Information

For those who are not eligible for life insurance for some reason, a KC annuity is available for as little as $300. The KC Annuity is paying 5.25 percent and proceeds are non-taxable. What other insurance company do you know that donated $1.6 Million to the Holy Father last year?

Please help your Council make all its goals. The KC insurance programs include Permanent Plans, Term Plans, Annuities, and newly added Long Term Care options. More of us can count on living longer - thanks to advances in medicine, healthier lifestyles, and improved access to care. Now for the bad news: almost half of us will one day require long-term care services at some point in our lives.

The average cost of nursing home care in the U.S. is over $45,000 per year. Home care is more affordable – approximately $12,000 per year – but still carries a high price tag. If you consider that you’re likely to be on a fixed income during retirement, where will you get that kind of money?

Many have to deplete their retirement savings to pay for such care. Others are forced to rely on their children for financial assistance – difficult to do when you’ve valued your independence and have taught your children to follow in your footsteps!

You do have a choice: Knights of Columbus Care, a qualified long-term care insurance plan from the Knights of Columbus.

You can design a plan that will meet your future care needs – while fitting your present budget. In most states you can choose from either comprehensive plans which cover care in a variety of settings – or facility-only plans.

Our Council Insurance Agent is Jesse Gutierrez. You can call him at 695-3687 (business) or email him at jesseg1224@cs.com.


Council 4140 hosts our 1st Degree Ceremonies every third Thursday each month.  We attend the 5:30 Mass at Blessed Sacrament and then caravan to Council 4140 located on camp Bullis road

Major Degree
The ceremonials for the 2nd and 3rd Degree (called the Major Degrees), are held approximately three times a year in the San Antonio area.  There is no cost for the Degree or for the lunch for the Major Degree candidate, as this is part of the initiation fee when you joined the order.  See Schedule of Major Degrees in the San Antonio Area.

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Fourth Degree Exemplification

The Fourth Degree is the Patriotic Order, and through it we display our Patriotism at civic and religious events. To be eligible, you must have made your first degree at least six months prior.   Please consider joining the fourth degree.


   © Copyright 1999 - 2011 by Knights of Columbus. All Rights Reserved.

Send comments or questions to the web page editor, webmaster@kc7016.com.

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